

FREE for members and guests. Eyes down at 11am. Meat trays and club vouchers to be won!


Kicking off at 7pm, Darts is run by Coffs Harbour and District Darts Association. Contacts are Trevor Humphries 0408536318 and Ray Beasley 0400650989 . New players encouraged and welcome. For more information see their Facebook page


Snooker Knockout Comp

All welcome, play off handicap.

$4 members
$6 non members

Starts 5.00 PM


From 7pm


Wacky Wednesday Free Raffles

Every Wednesday night we have FREE raffles for members AND guests! Simply present your membership card or sign in slip to the staff to receive your FREE tickets from 5.30pm

Indoor Bowls

Join the ladies Indoor Bowls Club every Wednesday from 12pm

Staying Active Over 50's Exercise Class

Deb Leaney leads the Over 50's exercise class every Wednesday 3:30pm to 4:30pm.
Classes are free for members of Sawtell RSL Club


Market Day Raffles and Live Entertainment with Mick Bateman

Enjoy market day raffles and live entertainment with Mick Bateman every Thursday from 11am


Alternating each week between snooker and billiards everyone is welcome to play in this knockout comp for just $2.

Games commence at 5pm

Cash Bingo

Cash bingo jackpots every week with a minimum of $500 up for grabs! Just $18 to play with all proceeds going to support Mary Help of Christians Primary School. Eyes down at 7.30pm



FREE for members and guests. Eyes down at 11am. Club vouchers to be won!

Monster Meat Raffle

Friday nights we have 100 meat trays to give away! Tickets are on sale from 5.30pm with the draw taking place from 6.45pm

Social Darts

Social Darts No membership fee required $2.50 each week facebook page: for more information please contact Trevor Humphreys on 0408536318

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